PDMA Conference 2019

On November 3-5, Foresight Science & Technology attended and participated in the Product Development and Management Association’s (PDMA) annual conference in Orlando, Florida.

Dr. Leah Speser, Foresight’s Chairwoman of the Board and Senior Advisor to the President of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), presented the breakout session “Using NPD in Government: Developing Programs for Thailand 4.0” which informed attendees about Thailand’s efforts to develop a new economy called Thailand 4.0 and how New Product Development tools and processes are used to help in those efforts.

Foresight Analyst, Reda El Alami, also attended the conference and spoke with attendees about their product development pain points and how Foresight can help them. He also met with PDMA organizers to learn how Foresight can help the organization in their efforts to reach audiences far and wide and educate product professionals in the PDMA methodology.

Look for Foresight Science & Technology staff within the PDMA organization as we become more involved in driving growth and awareness for current and future product developers!