Grant writing is less about the writing than the research

Posted April 27, 2023  By: Reda El Alami

On April 13th, Foresight Science & Technology attended an AUTM Live webinar called TTOs Can be PIs Too: Competitive Grant Application and Management. It was led by Dr. Eva Garland, Dr. Dana Upton, Jennifer Webster, and Ian McClure. This webinar focused on Federal Grant Opportunities, specifically how to prepare grant proposals to get the results you want. The speakers highlighted how to identify a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), how to collaborate with program officers and project administration offices, as well as how important it was to get supporting documentation to make sure you understand the specific concepts to the grant you are competing for. The speakers have extensive backgrounds in grant applications and funding, and provided great insight on how important it is to forge relationships with the people directly involved in these grants, the funders and people involved in the program. Grant writing is shifting, and it’s important to investigate in more detail, and utilize the resources that are available and listed when reviewing these grants. One can’t simply rely on a generic template to submit bids, in order to win these grants, more time and energy needs to be focused on collaboration to not only win bids, but to gain rapport to help with future bids.

ASTP Annual Conference 2023

Foresight Science & Technology sponsored and presented at the 2023 ASTP Annual Conference on May 24th-26th in Tallinn, Estonia. Foresight’s Founder, Dr. Leah Speser, lead the Session “Expanding Foresight Services” which provided an overview of Foresight’s services and two new and exciting initiatives! The first initiative being product development training for spin-out entrepreneurs and the second initiative focusing on how we in-license technologies, highlighting areas of interest for new technologies.

If you couldn’t make it to the conference but would like to chat, please contact

Foresight Partners with WIPO to Deliver NPD Toolkits to Innovators

Foresight Science & Technology is excited to announce the development of a new product development toolkit on behalf of WIPO.  With the collaboration of Dr. Phyllis Leah Speser, Dr. Arendt Oak Speser and Lambda Films Ltd, we were able to produce educational content that walks researchers, inventors, and entrepreneurs as well as Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) through the process of new product development in the public domain.

Entrepreneurs, inventors, and researchers can get guidance at every step of the way, from kicking things off with a project charter all the way to figuring out the net present value of their technology/invention and everything in-between. The content of this toolkit has been thoughtfully crafted and piloted in various markets in order to finetune the material and deliver a comprehensive toolkit for WIPO to share.

See what we have been working on and enjoy learning about new product development on the WIPO TISC page.

Team Compositions Unpacked and Clarified

Posted November 14, 2022 By: Reda El Alami

On Oct. 27, 2022 – Foresight attended the PDMA webinar ‘Scatterbrains: Teams find innovation by thinking differently’ by Richard Perez. The webinar consisted of examples and graphs of the make-up of teams at fortune 100 companies and how well they work together. Mr. Perez unpacked and analyzed each member of these teams and categorized them based on defined characteristics and then went on to explain how these categories interact. This information shed some light on individual traits that we don’t always think of when working in team settings. The presentation went on about how to work with members from these categories in order to create synergy and maintain a thriving team model. Overall the webinar was enlightening and interactive as it allowed for members of the webinar to participate in polls and understand where we land within certain team models.

TechConnect & SBIR Fall Conference Exhibit

Foresight Science & Technology was an exhibitor at the SBIR/STTR Fall Innovation Conference co-located with the 2022 Defense TechConnect Conference in Washington, DC on September 27-28, 2022.

We hope you had a chance to learn about our SBIR/STTR Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) services! If you didn’t make it, check out information here or contact Alyssa Belleville at

Foresight exhibit at Federal Energy Funding 101 Workshop

Foresight exhibited at the Federal Energy Funding 101 Workshop and networking expo on June 28 from 2-4pm ET, hosted by Clean Energy Business Network. During the networking expo, we discussed our SBIR/STTR Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) services with participants. Missed us there or still have questions, reach out now!

Foresight speaking at InBIA ICBI36

Foresight’s Director of Consulting, Dr. Konstantin Izvolsky, was a panelist at InBIA’s 36th International Conference on Business Incubation (ICBI36), in Atlanta, Georgia on June 28th for a session on “Leveraging NIH and NSF SBIR/STTR Funding.”

If you need help preparing you SBIR/STTR proposal or support in commercializing your funded technology, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!