Foresight’s team of Senior Consultants perform over 600 assessments per year providing information and input relevant to specific technologies and markets.
We can provide standard assessment reports, or build a custom report format to give you the exact data and analysis you need tailored to your objectives and budget.
Some of Foresight’s Standard Assessments include:
This screening report is used to assist in evaluating the commercial potential of an early stage technology before expending money to patent or further develop it. The report provides information on existing products, patents, R&D, market characteristics, and potential barriers to commercialization. Contacts for potential licensees and/or partners are also suggested. An overall Go or NoGo suggestion will be given to assist in your decision-making process.
This assessment is helpful when deciding which market is best for a technology. The report identifies up to three market niches to assess end-user needs, competing technology, market drivers and barriers, and market size. It also identifies potential licensee/investor contacts.
Technology Niche Analysis™:
This assessment provides in-depth analysis of a technology at or beyond the proof-of-concept stage. The report includes: competitive analysis, interviews with experts and end-users, recommendations for market entry and launch tactics, and an interview with a potential commercialization partner/investor. This information is used to suggest a commercialization strategy and to estimate potential revenue.
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